Tag Archives: hope

Arte per Vernazza Winners & Update!


The winners for the Arte per Vernazza drawing contest (from January 2012) have been announced and awarded professional art supplies from the NAEA conference in New York City!

For those who are not familiar with the Cinque Terre flooding, on October 25, 2011, the town of Vernazza, Italy was hit by massive flooding and buried under loads of mud and debris. For days, nobody knew what had happened. Thanks to the help of Michele Sherman, Michele Lilley e Ruth Manfredi of Save Vernazza ONLUS, Vernazza is being rebuilt as we speak.

These drawings were made by my middle school students in response to the tragic flood that affected Vernazza. We looked at the slideshow of images from the wall murals that were painted along Via Roma and talked about how public art can be used as an instrument to instill hope in a hopeless situation.

Congratulations to the following students for the most striking designs:

Huseyin P. 8th Grade

Merve D. 8th Grade

Erkan K. 7th Grade

Summeye C. 7th Grade

Jasmine E. 7th Grade

And, congratulations also to our finalists:

Nihal G. 7th Grade

Esref P. 7th Grade

Also, a heartfelt thanks for featuring these drawings on the official Save Vernazza Facebook page. Art is powerful and can make a difference!


Italian translation:  Ciao a tutti! Sono Laura, un insegnante d’arte per la scuola privata ad Oakton, Virginia (Stati Uniti). Questo brano mostra i vincitori del nostro concorso artistico si chiama “Arte per Vernazza”, che ha avuto luogo nel gennaio 2012. Per coloro che non lo sapeva, la città di Vernazza nelle Cinque Terre è stata devastata dai alluvione che è accaduto il 25 ottobre 2011. Per giorni, nessuno sapeva cosa era successo. Grazie all’aiuto di Michele Sherman, Michele Lilley e Ruth Manfredi di Save Vernaza ONLUS, Vernazza si viene ricostruito come si parla.

Questi disegni sono fatti dai miei studenti delle scuole medie (7th e 8th grades) in risposta alla tragica alluvione che ha colpito Vernazza. Abbiamo guardato la presentazione delle immagini dei murales su l’Internet che sono state dipinte lungo Via Roma e ha parlato come l’arte pubblica può essere utilizzata come strumento per infondere speranza in una situazione disperata.

Inoltre, un sincero ringraziamento per mettere questi disegni sulla pagina ufficiale di Facebook Salva Vernazza. L’arte è potente e può fare la differenza!

As one Vernazza resident so aptly stated:

“Thank you Laurentina !!!! I live in Vernazza, And thise wounderfull pictures has been pulling me up. Thanks to all the artists !!!”

— Lisa Bertram